
SEFCB1 lesson1

發(fā)布時間:2016-1-21 編輯:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 手機版


For Unit 1

The Summer Holidays

I. Words and Phrases

introduce, practice, go awayL.1 Four Skills

well(n,),dark(n,),go on doing,

result as a result , state,

the StatesL.2

physics , chemistry , biology,


partner, opinion, in one’s opinionL1Three Skills

vacation, general, general idea, dawn, wheat ,employ , area,

pump, channel ,beer ,regardsL2


Harry ,Bob , oralL.1Tow Skills


Steve L.3

II. Everyday English

Hello/Hi, Nice to meet you .

I’ll introduce you .

Bye . See you soon .

I must go /be off/be leaving now .

Give one’s regards/best wishes/love to

III . Grammar

Revise interrogative sentences of all kinds of tenses

which students have learned.

IV . Language Use

Using the learned language and centering on life in the

summer holidays, teachers and students complete the tasks of

listening ,speaking and writing which textbook and workbook provide

.Reading material ″Letter to a pen friend ″should be exactly

understood ,and concerned exercises should be completed .The form of

an English letter should be further known well.

V . Teaching Time

Four Periods

Background Information:

I . The Origin of Sunday .Monday,etc.

The names of the days of the week are of Anglosaxon origin.

Sunday is the first day of the week ,anciently dedicated

to the sun .The old English form is Sunnendaeg . For Christians ,

the day is ″the Lord’s Day″ .

Monday is the second day of the week . It is called the

day of the moon by the Anglo-saxons . The old English form is Monand


Tuesday is the third day of the week . The day is so

named in memory of Tiu (Tiw , or Tyr ) , the Roman god of war .

Wednesday is the fourth day of the week . The day is

named in memory of Woden or Odin ,who was the god of wisdom , poetry

, war and agriculture . So it is also called Woden’s Day or Odin’s

Day . As god of the death , he presided over the banquets of those

slain in battle . He became the All-wise by drinking Mimir’s

fountain , but purchased the distinction at the pledge of one eye ,

and is often represented as a one -- eyed man wearing a hat and

carrying a staff .

Friday is the sixth day of the week . In ancient Rome the

day was called dies Veneris , dedicated to Venus , the Roman goddess

of beauty and sensual love . Owing to this the French call it

Vendredi . The northern Europeans adopted the same nomenclature and

the nearest equivalent to Venus was Frigg or Freyja . The old

English is frige daeg , this is Friday in Modern English .

Saturday is the seventh day of the week . The day was

called Saturdaeg by Anglo---Saxons after the Latin Saturni dies ,

that is , the day of Saturn who was a Roman deity , I . e . god of

seedtime and harvest .

II . The Origin of the Months

The word″month″ means one of the twelve divisions of a

year . Anciently a new month started on the day of the new moon , or

the day after ; hence the name (Old English world is monath) is

connected with moon .

January is the first month of the year ,which was

dedicated by the Romans to Janus who presided over the entrance to

the year and , having two faces , could look back to the year past

and forward on the current year .

February was the month of purification amongst the

ancient Romans . February 2nd , Canelmas Day , is the feast of the

purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary . It is said that if the

weather is fine and frosty at the close of January and the beginning

of February , there is more winter ahead than behind . The

Anglo-Saxons called this month ″sprout -- kale ″from the sprouting

of cabbage or kale .

March , The month is so called from Mars , the Roman god

of war , or the planet of this name because of its reddish tinge .

The old saxon name was Hreth-monath meaning rough-month , from its

boisterous winds . Subsequetly it was changed to Lengthmonath

meaning lengthening month ; it was also called Hlyd---monath meaning

boisterous month .

April is the opening month when trees unfold and the

womb of nature open with young life , It may be a relic of the Roman

Cerealia , held at the beginning of April . The tale is that

proserpina was sporting in the Elysian meadows , and had just filled

her lap with daffodils , when Pluto carried her off to the lower

world . Her mother , Ceres ,heard the echo of her screams , and went

in search of her voice ;but her search was a fool′s errand .

May . The Anglo-Saxons called this month thrimilce ,

because then cows can be milked three times a day ; the present name

is the Latin Maius , probably from Maia , the goddess of growth and

increase .

June is named from the Roman Junius , a gens or clan

name akin to juvenis , young . Alternatively , it may derive from

Juno , ″the venerable ox -- eyed″wife and sister of Jupiter , and

queen of heaven.

July is named by Mark Anthony in honour of Julius Caesar

. It was formerly called Quintilis , as it was the fifth month of

the Roman year . The old Saxon name for it was Maedd-Monath because

the cattle were turned into the meadows to feed .

August was formerly called sextilis in the Roman

calendar ,the sixth month from March ( when the year began ) . It

was changed to Augustus in 8 B. C . in honour of Augustus ( 63

B.C.-A.D. 14) , the first Roman Emperor , whose ″lucky month ″it was

. It was the month in which he began his first consulship ,

celebrated three Triumphs , received the allegians on the Janiculum

, reduced Egypt , and ended the civil war . The old Saxon name for

this month was Weodmonath (weedmonth, weed meaning vegetation in

general ) .

September was the seventh month from March , where the

year used to commence . The old Saxon name was Gerst-monath (barley

month ), or Haefest-monath ; and after the introduction of

Christianity Halig-monath , which was holy---month , the nativity of

the Virgin Mary being on the 8th , the Exaltation of the Cross or

Holy Cross Day on the 14th ; St . Michael’s Day on the 29th .

October was the eighth month of the ancient Roman

calendar when the year began in March ; therefore″octo- ″, meaning

eight , is used . The old English was Winmonath , that is ,

wine-month , or the time of vintage ; also Teo-monath , I,e,tenth

month , and Winter-fylleth meaning winter full-moon .

November was the ninth month in the ancient Roman

Calendar when the year began in March ″Nove-″means nine , The old

Saxon name for this month was Wind-monath meaning wind-month when

the fishermen drew their boats ashore , and gave over fishing till

the next spring ; it was also called Blot-monath---the same as the

old Dutch name ″Slaght--maand″.

December was the tenth month when the year began in

March with the vernal equinox ; but , since January and February

have been inserted before it , the name is somewhat misplaced ,

(Note : the prefix dec(a)---indicates ten .)

III.Time Zone

Time Zone refers to a certain standard time which is

suitble for a certain area . Generally , the earth is divided into

24 time zones according to meridian line , which is called the

eastern time zone 1-11, and the western time zone 1-11, Each time

zone covers 15 meridians. In 1884 the International Meridian

Congress decided that the meridian which goes through Greenwich is

used as the standard meridian . The boundary lines of every time

zone are the meridians . The time of every time zone is

called″zone--time″.The zone time of two zones next to each other

differs one hour from east to west . For example .New York in the

eastern part of the USA belongs to the fifth western time zone while

Los Angeles belongs to the eighth western time zone . So the time in

Los Angeles is three hours later than in New York.

China covers five time zones . But , for convenience ,

most parts in our country adopts the eighth eastern time zone , that

is Beijing time.