

時間:2021-07-22 14:13:39 申請書 我要投稿




  Dear x,

  The success that a person can achieve in his or her career depends largelyupon the extent that he or she is emotionally attached to the career that he orshe is pursuing. As far as I am concerned, I believe that I am in fullpossession of the necessary and potential qualities for achieving success in mycareer because the first day that I was exposed to tourism, I became enamored ofthis fascinating profession. In undertaking tourism as a profession, I have beenexposed to a pluralistic cultural value. In return, I can expose the rest of theworld to the ancient civilization of Chinese culture. In other words, I havebeen able to broaden my vision and horizon on one hand and impart my knowledgeof Chinese culture to foreign tourists who come to savor the fascinating Chineseculture. For me, tourism serves as a bridge that connects both China and therest of the world, linking the past history with contemporary culture. This isexactly the underlying reason behind my intense love of tourism.

  As a practitioner of tourism business in China, a major country of touristattraction, I have always been very proud of the tremendous potential of China’stourism industry. According to the prediction made by the 14th Conference ofWorld Tourism Organization held in Oct. 20xx, China’s tourism will experience amajor phase of rapid development within two decades and by 20xx China willbecome a country of the largest tourist influx. Vice versa, the number ofChinese citizens who visit foreign countries will reach one billion annually,ranking No. 4 in the world. What’s more, China has formally joined the WTO andthe Olympic Games will be held in x within six years. All those factors willcontribute significantly to the rapid, yet sustained growth of Chinese tourismindustry. In order for China to become a leading country of tourism within 20years, it is imperative that China’s tourism-oriented hotel industry developinto a mainstay business. In this process, to learn from advanced and successfulsystems and experiences of hotel industry in the world becomes an indispensablestep. It is my expectation that I make my own contributions to this process inmy chosen field. This constitutes the most direct motive behind my presentdecision to apply for a Master’s program in the specialty of Hotel & TourismManagement from your esteemed university.

  Compared with a multitude of other applicants, I believe that my greatestcompetitive edge lies in my academic training and in my ample practicalexperience in the related fields. My undergraduate career was spent in xInstitute, often regarded as the university of tourism of China. It is the mostprestigious university in China which is specifically designed to train futureprofessionals for China’s tourism industry who are equipped with both foreignlanguage competence and specialized knowledge of tourism. On account of thisspecial characteristic of my university, I not only did excellent coursework inmy proper specialty—Russian Language—but also benefited importantly from acomprehensive tourism-oriented curriculum that included such specialized coursesas General Introduction to Tourism, Geography for Tourism, and ProfessionalTourist Guide. Taking into account the practical nature of tourism, I took partin a considerable amount of extracurricular activities of fieldwork andinternships. I left my footprints in virtually all the major hotels and touristresorts of x by working as hotel receptionists and serving as tourist guide. Bythe time I completed my four-year undergraduate program, I not only masteredRussian language with high proficiency but also achieved all the necessaryqualifications for becoming a professional tourism personnel.

  For approximately three years since my graduation, I have been working as atourist guide for international travelers, a career which has further enabled meto accumulate much practical experience and expertise. Working at the EuropeanDepartment of x, the largest travel agency in China, I have been faced withconstant challenges. First of all, I have further enriched my professionalknowledge and refined my proficiency in foreign languages, both of which areessential for undertaking foreign-related tourism. Apart from using my knowledgeof Russian language and relevant knowledge of tourism with much facility, I havemade extra efforts to perfect my English language. Over the past two years, Ihave constantly improved my English language capacity from passing the TOEFLtest with a satisfactory score (the test was taken at the end of myundergraduate program) to the present level of independently and perfectlyproviding tourist guide in English. In addition, I have also developed theability to prepare all the work plans and documents in English with muchfacility. Finally, within the past three years, I have received countlessinternational tourists and dealt with a large number of emergency situations.Those experiences have not only trained my ability of organization andcoordination, the ability to live and work independently, but also provided mewith important opportunities to demonstrate my professional qualities as awell-trained and excellent tourist guide. All those qualities andqualifications, I believe, will prove vitally important to me in achievingsuccess in my future academic program and professional career.

  Nevertheless, in my practical work experience, I have become acutely awarethat, although China has made considerable development in its tourism and hotelbusiness over the past decade, yet compared with advanced countries and regionsin the world, China lags significantly behind them in terms of the level ofinformation and network development, the efficiency of management, theeffectiveness of decision-making and, ultimately, the level of profitability. xconstitutes one of the most renowned bases of top-level hotels in the world,full of creative and original concepts of hotel, tourism and cuisine service andmanagement. In the same way, the College of x of x University is ranked amongthe top institutions of high education in hotel management in Asia. Designatedas its international headquarters and secretariat by the x, the College hasbeen accepted by the International Tourism Organization as the network memberfor hotel and tourism education. The College is the only one of its kind in Asiato have received this special honor. It is my expectation to be part of theelite group of this prestigious College. By conforming myself to the trends ofthe age of knowledge economy and to the demands of the present-day hotel andtourism industry, I am determined to develop myself into professional of hotelmanagement who is equipped both with the advanced knowledge of hotel managementin the world but also with the practical experience of local market operations,a person who can assimilate both Western and Chinese experiences. My ultimateplan is to bring advanced hotel and tourism management methods and operationsback to the mainland to facilitate my own career development.

  Yours sincerely,



































